


My name is Andrea .

Somewhere in 1975 two splendid persons decided that was time for me to be aware of this world ; my place was Italy ( Genova) .

There I spent 22 years of my life and then I moved to China to integrate my studies about Far East Culture and Civilization which I started in 1996 at the University for Oriental Studies of Napoli .

A bachelor's degree in Chinese language and over 13 years in China helped me to discover traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) in its several forms, both as academic transmitted system as taught in medical universities, and as cultural and philosophical system whose existence has thousands of years of records.



I had different kinds of educations related to TCM.

The main one was at the "Guangxi Medical College"(Nanning) where I learned TCM theory,(中医理论学), theory of meridians & acupoints(经络,穴位论学), medical acupuncture/moxibustion (医疗针灸), medical massage(TuiNa 医疗推拿 ,medical acupressure医疗点穴按摩), cupping & scraping(火罐,刮痧).

All the theoretical education was integrated by the clinical practice I have done for several months on a daily basis at the "Medical College 1st Affiliated hospital of TCM" in Nanning city under the supervision of professor Huang Dingjian (黄鼎坚) for acupuncture and prof. Duan Wenkui (端文魁)for medical TuiNa.

Very important for my development were also experiences within other therapeutic environments : teachers from Blind Therapist Formation Center in Nanning and Health Clinics in Nanning .

But my greatest support still came from Chen Shining (陈始宁)and his son Chen Yunguan (陈云光) both doctors, friends and authentic transponders of the healing origin; their knowledge,power and simplicity are a beacon for me since 2001.


The above experiences are some of the main elements that formed my skills, my knowledge, my person. What I do and how I do it cames - also -from that.

We only perform official TCM techniques during our sessions :

-TuiNa and TCM massage;

- meridians activating acupressure;

- moxa and cupping;

-TDP lamp threatments ;

Me at the Guangxi Medical College with dr. Duan Wenkui and other assistants, June 2002

Me at the Guangxi Medical College with dr. Duan Wenkui and other assistants, June 2002